North Jersey Newborn Photographer- 1 month old baby boy

So... I am always up for a challenge especially with newborns, so naturally when I had a family friend inquire about gifting a newborn session to her cousin for her 4 week old son I knew I had to make it great ! Honestly baby Anthony was awesome, he was more awake than my usual newborns which are about 4-10 days old but he was so cute and had amazing eye contact !  Here is a sneak peek of his session !

Union Newborn Photographer

Back in July I had a couple of really sweet girls reach out to me to gift their friend Carla a newborn session for her baby girl which was due in August. What a sweet baby shower gift! A lot of moms get so caught up with everything from maternity leave to nesting and the discomfort that most moms feel at the end of their pregnancy, which is normal . They tend to forget to book babies first session with a professional. Once the baby is here there's really only about 2-3 weeks considered prime time to have a newborn session. As much as we try to accommodate all clients, newborn sessions really go by much smoother if they're booked in advance. This baby girl was as cute as ever , she was a fighter though ! lol  She loved to be wrapped up , especially in her mommy and daddy's arms ! 

Union Newborn Photographer

Back in June I had the pleasure of meeting Diana and Robinson for their maternity session which we had at a lovely farm in Morris County,  I was so excited when they called me to let me know their little girl was on her way into this world ! I knew she would be gorgeous like her mother but I wasn't expecting her to be blessed with a head full of hair ! We had plenty of fun brushing it and playing with it during her session ! 

Westfield Newborn Photographer

Owen <3 seriously the cutest chunk monster ever. He was so great during his session, he slept the entire time throwing little smiles and giggles our way . He had his mom, dad and big brother absolutely smitten with him the entire time !